Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Riverside, CA

Call Our Rehabilitation Center in California: (951) 262-8046

Dual Diagnosis for Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation

Approximately 7.7 million Americans battle both a substance use disorder and a mental health condition. When two disorders of this kind appear together, affecting one another, it’s called having a dual diagnosis. Treating a dual diagnosis presents unique challenges that require health professionals who have experience in the process. 

At the pH Wellness Center in Riverside, CA, we offer the guidance you need to find stability and sobriety with our dual diagnosis treatment programs.

To get started or learn more, call pH Wellness today at (951) 262-8046.

Understanding Dual Diagnosis

For many people, mental illness often appears before a substance use disorder.

Signs and symptoms of mental illness can be so powerful that they turn to anything that can offer some relief, including drugs and alcohol. Although substances can appear to make a difference and alleviate symptoms of a mental disorder, they actually make everything worse. The chemical changes that mental illness causes in your brain make you more susceptible to the effects of the substance, causing a more powerful release of dopamine.

The dopamine floods your system, and your body has to adjust to that, which it does by lowering your natural levels of dopamine release. This means that when you don’t ingest the substance you’re addicted to, your body no longer remembers how to allow you to feel pleasure. All of that leads to worsening mental health symptoms. 

Drug and alcohol misuse can also lead to the development of mental health concerns. Substance use can lead to severe changes in the areas of the brain that are affected by mental illness. If you're predisposed to developing a mental disorder, drug and alcohol use can trigger those areas of the brain. 

Once the signs and symptoms of a mental disorder begin, you start relying on more of the substance to offer relief, and this compulsive behavior and codependency can make the symptoms worse. This leads to a cycle of substance dependence that seems impossible to break.

Anyone can develop an addiction and mental illness, but some people have a higher risk of battling a dual diagnosis that requires dual diagnosis treatment. Risk factors include:

  • Elevated stress levels

  • Negative home environment

  • Traumatic experiences

  • Family history of substance misuse or mental illness

  • Easy access to drugs and alcohol 

Childhood trauma also plays a role in the development of a dual diagnosis. This can include seeing or being the victim of any abuse, violence, or home instability. 

Learn more about dual diagnosis rehab or call now for assistance at (951) 262-8046.

Patient receiving dual diagnosis treatment sitting next to mental health professional holding pen and clipboard.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Riverside, CA

At our dual diagnosis drug rehabilitation center, we know the unique challenges that a dual diagnosis poses during both the treatment process and on the road to sobriety.

Trying to treat one condition without addressing the other is not an effective option, which is why we offer intensive outpatient programs, inpatient programs, and partial hospitalization programs that help you get a handle on both issues at the same time.

Woman meditating and sitting in the grass at dual diagnosis treatment center.

Alcohol and Drug Detox Services

One of the complex steps you must go through as you begin treatment is detoxification. However, attempting to go through the detox process on your own is never a good idea, especially if you have a dual diagnosis. 

Your body has become so used to functioning with high levels of drugs or alcohol in its system that it will have a hard time adjusting if you abruptly stop the substance use. Doing so can lead to uncomfortable and even life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. 

Each substance has unique signs and symptoms of drug withdrawal, but the most common ones include:

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea 

  • Fever

  • Irritability

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Changes in heart rate 

  • Changes in blood pressure

  • Changes in appetite

  • Body aches

  • Tremors

  • Nausea

The severity of the signs and symptoms will depend on how long you've had a substance use disorder and how much of the substance you consume.

Four women sitting at a table for group therapy in a dual diagnosis treatment center.

A dangerous aspect of detoxing alone is that you can experience intense cravings that prompt you to start using drugs or alcohol again. Overwhelming drug withdrawal symptoms combined with severe cravings can quickly become too much for you to handle on your own, and you may find yourself on the path toward relapsing on your substance dependence. That's why dual diagnosis treatment is necessary.

To help you avoid that situation, we offer medical detox services at our Riverside dual diagnosis rehab center. Get treatment with the help of a supportive environment and a team of licensed professionals.

If you're ready to learn more information or have additional questions, call us now at (951) 262-8046.

Dual Diagnosis Residential Treatment

For dual diagnosis, we recommend residential treatment. Dual diagnosis inpatient treatment allows you to remove yourself from your regular life so you can focus on getting sober and dealing with your mental health concerns alongside a dedicated team of health professionals.

Inpatient services require that you stay at our California treatment centers 24/7, where you will participate in psychotherapy, behavior therapy, and other types of individual and group therapy sessions. 

Individual therapy helps you understand what the underlying cause of the addiction is and allows you to get a better understanding of the mental disorder concerns you face. We offer a variety of treatment modalities so you'll always have access to the appropriate treatment that works best for you. 

Isolation can be a serious concern with a dual diagnosis. We offer group therapy programs to help you realize you're not alone in your struggles. In a group or community setting, you get to meet others dealing with similar concerns while simultaneously practicing interpersonal therapy techniques that allow you to communicate better. 

Because your family is an important part of your life and they're likely seriously affected by what you’ve been going through, we offer family therapy services at our dual diagnosis treatment center in Riverside, California. You'll learn to communicate with one another and help each other start healing past the pain of your co-occurring condition. 

Another important aspect of recovery and dual diagnosis rehabilitation is to get you physically healthy. Substance dependence and mental disorders take a huge toll on your body, so we offer dietary therapies to help you regain your strength and learn better coping skills for managing your health. We'll help you address all of these factors to help you prevent relapse and give you a better chance at improved quality of life.

Family member placing their hand on patient's shoulder at dual diagnosis treatment center.

Trust pH Wellness & Our Personalized Care

Battling a dual diagnosis can make your recovery seem impossible. At the pH Wellness drug detox center in California, we're here to offer the community support you need in your recovery. From dual diagnosis therapy options to medical detox services and relapse prevention, our team of health professionals is here to guide you back onto the path toward sobriety with compassion and care.

Call 951-262-8046 right now to speak with our caring and compassionate intake specialists.

Person in recovery who received dual diagnosis treatment taking a selfie with friends.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • There are many examples of co-occurring mental health conditions that dual diagnosis patients might experience. Examples might include the following:

    Anxiety disorders and stimulant misuse

    Anxiety disorders and prescription drug addiction

    Major depressive disorder and alcohol addiction

    Bipolar disorder and alcohol addiction

    Schizophrenia and marijuana dependence

    Post-traumatic stress disorder and opioid addiction

    These are just a few examples of diseases and disorders that may be diagnosed following a thorough assessment by qualified healthcare professionals that require dual diagnosis treatment.

  • The most prevalent dual diagnosis is the co-occurrence of depression and alcohol dependence. Depression is a mood disorder that causes feelings of sadness and loss of interest, leading the individual to seek solace in alcohol as a form of self-medication. This coping mechanism typically results in excessive alcohol consumption and dependence which exacerbate symptoms of depression. It creates a vicious cycle that requires professional treatment and emotional support. Some of the best treatment plans for recovery programs include personalized care and understanding, therapy, medication management, and behavioral interventions.

  • When it comes to achieving optimal mental health, dual diagnosis acknowledges the relationship between mental disorders and substance use issues. When both conditions are identified simultaneously, patients can experience and obtain more effective treatment for co-occurring issues at a residential treatment center. It allows for a more personalized and tailored approach to treatment that addresses the individual's struggles, helping prevent relapse and promoting better overall well-being.

  • If you or a loved one needs dual diagnosis treatment, it's important to find a treatment center in California that creates a comprehensive strategy addressing both mental disorders and substance use issues. The approach might involve a combination of detoxification, therapy, medication management, and other lifestyle changes that center on lifelong recovery. Cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy are often effective in helping patients address maladaptive patterns of thinking. Lifestyle changes can also establish a better support network, incorporate mindfulness, and promote stress management techniques. Medication-assisted treatment may be necessary to address underlying mental disorders and other signs and symptoms.

    For more information, reach out to pH Wellness in Riverside, CA, today. Learn about our approach to detoxification, recovery, and relapse prevention. Our caring and compassionate intake specialists and mental health counselors are ready to answer any questions and support you every step of the way.