Alcohol Addiction

Contact Our Riverside Center at: 844-549-2488

Alcohol is a commonly used substance. However, it has properties that make it addictive. The lives of individuals struggling with alcohol addiction are impacted in many ways, and getting treatment is important to get their lives back. At pH Wellness, we offer treatment that aids our clients in recovering from alcohol addiction, healing physically, and learning tools that help them to remain sober long-term. 

According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 11.2% of adults and 2.9% of adolescents struggle with alcohol addiction every year. The symptoms that individuals experience vary for each person. However, it is marked by an inability to stop drinking alcohol, regardless of trying or wanting to. Individuals with alcohol addiction commonly struggle with the following:

  • Drinking more than they intended to

  • Trying to cut down or stop drinking without success

  • Experiencing negative consequences of drinking without being able to stop

  • Cutting back on previously enjoyed activities 

  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when alcohol's effects wear off

Consequences of Alcohol Addiction

Like any addiction, there are many consequences of alcohol addiction in an individual's life. First, consistent drinking or excessive drinking on a single occasion has a significant physical impact. As a result, alcohol addiction can cause:

  • Negative changes in mood

  • Damage to the heart, which increases the risk of stroke and high blood pressure

  • Liver damage

  • Inflammation of the pancreas

  • Increased risk of several types of cancer

  • Compromised immune system

Along with impacting an individual's mental and physical health, alcohol addiction has many social consequences. This is due to addiction causing an individual to be focused on alcohol use. When a person is experiencing withdrawal symptoms or feeling cravings for alcohol, they are thinking about how and when they will next be drinking. Therefore, they are less likely to connect with loved ones and be present while socializing with others. 

Healing From Alcohol Addiction

Fortunately, individuals can recover from alcohol addiction and regain balance in their lives. While the process of healing is unique for each client, it commonly includes healing at a treatment facility. In treatment, clients go through detox, get support from peers and staff, receive counseling, and are provided with medication options. 


When alcohol is continually present in the body, the body and brain accommodate the substance and become reliant on it. This dependence means that when alcohol is not present, clients feel withdrawal symptoms. As a result, alcohol detox is crucial. 

In detox, harmful toxins are eliminated from the body. During detox, clients go through the process of not using alcohol. This occurs in a therapeutic environment where withdrawal symptoms are managed. For some individuals, medications are used to manage symptoms. However, each individual's situation is unique. 

While the process of detox is uncomfortable, it is necessary. This is because the body needs to reset and learn how to function without alcohol available. Detox is often the first step in recovering from alcohol addiction. 


Healing from physical dependence is an important piece of treatment for alcohol addiction. However, it is also important for clients to look closely at other factors that have influenced their path to alcohol addiction. When they do, they are more able to manage these elements of their lives to ensure that they can maintain their sobriety after treatment. 

Both individual and group counseling are helpful in healing from alcohol addiction. In counseling, clients dive into their past history or trauma, relationships, self-care, and other aspects of their lives. As a result, they gain clarity on why they find themselves struggling with alcohol addiction. They learn what tools they are missing, make changes, and build a roadmap of where they want to go. 

The specifics of each client in counseling are unique. This is because no two individuals are on the exact path or come from the same background. However, counseling is a helpful and important aspect of treatment for clients to make changes and find a new way forward in their lives. 


Alcohol addiction often feels very lonely. Clients commonly feel ostracized by society, shamed, and alone. However, alcohol addiction is prevalent in individuals around the world. Connecting with others struggling with the same challenges and getting support helps aid in recovery. 

Support both in treatment and after is available in many different ways. Loved ones and friends can be a part of the healing process and offer support from outside treatment. However, clients also receive support from their peers and others who struggle with similar challenges. As a result, individuals gain connection to others and support in making changes in their lives that will help them to remain sober. 

Healing From Alcohol Addiction at pH Wellness

When an individual is struggling with alcohol addiction, alcohol rules their life. Their focus is on alcohol, which takes away from enjoying all other aspects of life. However, alcohol addiction is treatable. By focusing on healing, clients can improve physical health, restore relationships, and renew hope for the future of their lives. 

At pH Wellness, we aim to help clients struggling with alcohol addiction regain balance and wellness in their lives. Our treatment offers clients a unique blend of compassion and expertise through individualized treatment plans that are specially tailored to each client's needs. The treatment environment at pH Wellness is nonjudgmental and supportive, as we know that while addiction derails a person's life, with help, they can change and regain their life.

Alcohol addiction impacts millions of people, and at pH Wellness, we strive to offer support and care that works. To learn more about how we can help you or someone you love heal, call us today at (951) 262-8046.